Our Community has been so blessed BH’
We have such ability to take care of each other and we take care of others outside our circles as well. We are known for it worldwide. What does one have to do to feel these ‘membership benefits?’ Simply, be a part of ‘The Community’. We have accomplished so much and established the world around us to assist our community when it has various needs. To be a part of this is truly a gift. One can even say that this tight knit bond we have is very unique. It must be so loved & valued by Hashem, something we need to protect.
The Sephardic Syrian Community of Brooklyn & Deal decided on a new project, which sprouted during ‘ the Lockdown-Corona Virus Time 2020, as the virus spread throughout the world. This project, Oseh Shalom, also wants to spread - it wants to spread PEACE. Peace amongst two parties who have called it quits on that familial community feeling , that love for another Jew bond - that treasured bond of our Community. Whether it be sibling rivalry, a business dispute, or other types of discord where one thing has lead to another. Usually words have been said from strong emotions and hurt has formed a blockage which seems like it can go on with no end in sight. Being on no speaking terms is NOT Peace. True, at least there is no arguing. This is not SHALOM. Shalom can come from the root word ‘SHALEM ‘ - to be whole, to be one, to be a unit.
Right now, more than ever we need blessing. As we know, we ask Hashem to bless us Ke’echad- AS ONE. Why as one? The power of Hashem’s blessing when we are truly unified is that much more solid when we are solid. Unity keeps us protected.
When the Corona Virus halted our daily lives, our work, our shuls, our yeshivot... an unprecedented time where the whole world was effected - plagued by the same invisible germ...Our community unified. We cared about everyone. We prayed for those we didn’t even know late into the night.
Unfortunately, our hearts are broken as we lost many pure lives to the virus in a very tragic and (key word) LONELY WAY. We all felt effected by the losses. We were all touched somehow. ITS OUR COMMUNITY MEMBER. WE ARE ONE. Is it not correlated that as we all had to separate during shabbats and holidays from those we love? Surely with an event of such huge magnitude there was a message that we can do better and not just miss the people we love who we can’t be with, but we can even learn to miss those we have seemingly discarded. People ‘we think’ we don’t need. We recognize with what we’ve been through. We need everyone.
Oseh Shalom is our community’s unified way
to commemorate and honor and lift those neshamot we lost to the virus with a commitment of shattering discord and opening up lines of communication through a mediator of your choice and rejoining two people in PEACE.
We are known for so many things that surely bring us blessing. Our chesed, our hachnassat orcheem, our respect for Talmidei chachameem to name a few. And we are known as the Syrian CommUNITY.
Enter Osehshalom.world. Where we have an opportunity to shine & lead possibly in an untouched, unyet perfected area of Shalom.
Peace can break all our limitations.
We surely have been limited this year.
The Oseh Shalom project facilitates Peace with ease. It dissolves the how to, the what if, and chips away at that wall that was created by words and actions of the past.
Specially chosen peacemakers (Rabbis & Businessmen) will make the connection between both parties just to say they are BOTH SORRY & they just want Peace.
Peacemakers will NOT negotiate or arbitrate any ongoing cases between the two parties. The request is for Shalom - Shalem- Join Together- so the Community can be blessed as a whole unit- AS ONE. (BeH’)
All parties who accept peace or make peace will be blessed by being put on a list to be prayed for by a group of holy women who read tehillim specifically praying for the success in all areas of the lives of those who CHOSE PEACE.
If you can’t face them anymore and peace seems hard to reach - come here!
OsehShalom.World What a blessing it is to be the one to make us ONE! Let‘s raise the neshamot of our lost loved ones by Giving Peace A Chance !